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Investigations & Enforcement

SMADA is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of clean sport in Samoa. We take a proactive approach to investigating potential doping violations and enforcing anti-doping rules to ensure fair competition and protect the integrity of sport.


Key Services:

  • Investigating Potential Doping Violations

  • Enforcing Anti-Doping Rules


SMADA's commitment to rigorous investigation and enforcement procedures safeguards the integrity of sport in Samoa, promoting a level playing field and protecting the rights of clean athletes.

Investigation Potential Anti-Doping Rule Violations

We thoroughly review and analyse all reported cases of potential doping, conducting interviews and gathering evidence to determine the facts.

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Enforcing Anti-Doping Rules

When violations are confirmed, we apply appropriate consequences in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and national regulations. This may involve working with sports federations and other authorities to ensure fair and consistent outcomes.

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